
A Crafting Community

I am so lucky with where I live. The little village of Elswick in Lancashire is a truly creative community with a thriving arts and craft culture.

It boasts a craft club and an arts club, a choir,  a village garden group and they all collaborate on making our village a vibrant and beautiful place to live.

The Elswick in Bloom group do a fantastic job of making the public planting spaces a riot of colour, unusual planting structures and a joy of scents.

The Elswick Singers are a long established group and hold concerts twice a year in the Village Hall.

The Crafty Ladies club meets once a week to create and collaborate on a real mix of projects, currently producing Boomerang Bags. All meetings accompanied by tea and biscuits of course!

Elswick Community Arts Group is a fairly new venture, growing from the success of the first Art and Craft Exhibition in the Village Hall last year. Their aim is to encourage all ages to take up an artistic pursuit and to help people develop their skills. They also want to involve everyone in community Art projects.

We also have a group of crocheters and knitters who regularly decorate the village with their projects. From postbox toppers to a granny square Christmas tree, the village is yarn bombed on a regular basis.

And the best of all…all these groups work together, making our village into the vibrant, creative place that it is.

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